In captivity

One can find Hermann’s tortoises for sale under very strict conditions (born in captivity, administrative permissions, ...).
However, many tortoises are collected from the wild and sold illegally.
It is strongly recommended not to buy on the Internet or through other means of resale.
For those who hold tortoises, it is important to approach the associations and the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations ( DDPP list) in order to inform and regulate.
It is also required to report as soon as you are in possession of a tortoise.

Captive breeding has resulted in the emergence of genetic, behavioral and health problems in tortoises.
At the end, the problems related to lack of space become difficult to manage.
In nature, the vital area of the Hermann’s tortoise (surface sufficient to meet their basic needs) is several hectares.
Release of captive tortoises expose natural populations of Hermann’s Tortoise to health risks (various diseases) and genetic (crosses between different strains disadapted to their environment).